About us

Shandong Christmas Queen Arts & Crafts Co., Ltd. is a significant manufacturer of decorative items for Christmas and Spring. We founded our own factoryproduction line to guarantee the quality of the product and price-cost Effectively. With over 5000 productsand sales to more than 36 countries, our presence is very prominent. The way we approach our marketis characterized by spotting atmospheres and trends, a progressive selling strategy, creative styling, aclassy presentation and an efficient delivery system. Besides, our company has an unparalleledreputation for the quality and reliability of its service.We have our own designers that keep us up to date. lt is a young and enthusiastic team and theirInsplration ensures that the collection is a great balance between the contemporary and the traditionaWe also offer design upon your request.

Every Christmas celebration should be special! That's why we design a completely new Christmascollection each year. hundreds and hundreds of unique decorations. We have ranges that appeal to allkinds of tastes and all kinds of pockets - a breadth of choice that no one in China can match.

Shandong Christmas Queen Arts & Crafts Co., Ltd.